The Refuge of David

Translation of Poster Punishment of Blasphemous Behead Behead It is requested that a while ago a Person named Faraz Pervaiz along with his companions.is Mourning against our beloved holy Prophet P.B.U.H and Humiliated the Glory of our Prophet P.B.U.H and every day he appears with a new abuse on youtube channel The Refuge of David and it is hurting about 2 Billion Muslims of the World. We as Muslims,not Just only condemn the humiliation of Glory of our Prophet S.A.W but we strictly condemn the

Please Support Refugees which are facing SEVERE PERSECUTION!
Persecution & Repression
People all over Asia, from North Korea, Pakistan, Banglasdesh, India, Sri Lanka are facing severe persecution wheter it be because of their Christian faith, famines, or political persecution. Thousands are flocking from these countries in seek of Asylum and Refuge. Currently most of them are arriving to Thailand. The Refuge of David - Mission Asia, is currently working in Thailand to assist the brothers in Christ who are supporting an sustaining the asylum seekers who are now arriving in need of shelter, food, education and medical support. Please click on our missions tab to see more of the work that we our now doing.

Please click in 'Donate' to to assist those who are suffering and need of your support. Help us rescue and support those who lives were in danger in their orginal homelands.
Please reach out to us through email or phone to see how you can help the Ayslum Seekers that are suffering and in need of your help.
Our Mission is to help, support, rescue and free(those who are in the IDC) the Refugees who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ.